2025 NSFA Club Competition Winter Registration

2025 NSFA Club Competition Winter Registration


How to Register with Northbridge FC 2025 season – Players, Coaches and Team Managers


Volunteers are the heart of our club, and we simply can’t run without you. Volunteering is a fantastic way to give back to your community, support our players and help make the season a success.
Consider stepping up today—your help is invaluable!

As we gear up for the 2025 season, we urgently need Age Coordinators. Age Coordinators play a vital role in ensuring smooth communication and organisation for each age group. Click here for more information on the role.

Please contact our club info@northbridgefc.com.au to see how you can help.


Follow us on social media to keep up with the latest club news, events and announcements.

 Northbridge FC Instagram

 Northbridge FC Facebook


Before accessing the online registration system (Play Football) please review the following and ensure you have the required information ready to start your registration. You will need:

Players who are not yet part of a team, please fill out this FORM.
We’re excited to welcome new players and will assist you in finding a team. We’ll be in touch as soon as possible with details about potential teams. If you have any questions, feel free to email us.

Please note: Please do not register until your team placement is confirmed.

If you are registering a school child (6-18 years of age) the NSW Government is offering $50 voucher for eligible families which can be redeemed when registering.
a. To apply for the Active Kids Vouchers Click Here.
b. For further information on the Active Kids program Click Here.

Please note: We cannot manually redeem vouchers, and they must be redeemed when registering online. You will need a voucher number before you start the registration process.

A passport-style photo must be uploaded to your registration, and it will be used for identification purposes during matches. Players will not be permitted to play if a photo is not included.

Please note: For 2025 there is a new Play Football platform and photos have not been transferred across so you will need to upload a photo when registering.

Families registering two or more players in U6 to U18 age groups are eligible for a sibling discount. To receive this, please email info@northbridgefc.com.au the names and dates of birth of each child. We will then provide you with a family discount voucher to apply to the 2nd, 3rd/4th child’s registration.

Please note: If you do not have the voucher at the time of registration, you will not be able to claim the sibling discount.

All teams need a registered manager and coach to play.
Football NSW requires all team managers and coaches of players under the age of 18 to provide a Working With Children (WWCC) number prior to your registration being accepted. This policy means even parents managing/coaching their own child’s team must have a WWCC number. WWC are free for volunteers and are valid for 5 years. If your team is paying your coach, all paid coaches must apply for a paid WWC.
a. To apply for a WWC click here
b. To renew your WWC click here
c. To register as a team manager or coach click here

Please note: You’ll need to include your WWCC number when completing the ‘Play Football’ Coach/Manager registration process.


For the 2025 season, Play Football 2.0 has been launched. 

If you’ve previously registered with Play Football, you’ll need to claim your existing account. This process ensures your details (First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth) match up correctly to avoid any duplication.

Step-by-Step Guides

Detailed instructions are available for:

  1. Existing participants claiming their account during the registration process.
  2. Existing participants claiming their account through the participant profile.
  3. Registering on behalf of someone else (e.g., parents registering children).

If you find any discrepancies, please contact the Play Football Support Team for assistance before continuing. This ensures your registration is accurate and your eligibility is maintained.

Call Play Football Support Desk on (02) 8880 7983 or check out their HELP page


  • Online Payments Only. Football Australia now requires all regulation fees (Football Aust and FNSW) to be paid online through Play Football 2.0. Therefore, NFC will unfortunately be unable to accept direct deposits. The credit card surcharge is 1.3%.
  • All fees must be paid in full at the time of registration.
  • All players U10 and up will need to upload a photo ID as photos have NOT been transferred across to the new platform.
  • Registrations can only be approved once we confirm that the player has been assigned to a team.
  • There is a new refund policy due to FNSW and Football Australia collection of regulation fees. For more information click here
  • Football NSW requires all team managers and coaches of players under the age of 18 to provide a Working With Children Check number before their registration can be approved.

To start your 2025 REGISTRATION, Click here

You may have to search Northbridge if the correct products don’t appear it seems this direct link doesn’t work all the time. Or email info@northbridgefc.com.au and we can email you a direct link to the age group you need to register in. Just let us know which age group it is.

Make sure when register in an age group you are registering with

Northbridge FC

Sailors Bay Rd, Northbridge, NSW 2063

If you are experiencing error messages here some suggestions register on a Laptop/PC. 

1. Try using Google Chrome first
2. Clear all download history and cache
3. Do not use private browsing
4. Allow pop ups
5. Login and complete one registration.
6. If you need to complete another registration, clear all history and cache on the browser.
If using other browsers, you may encounter any multitude of issues from “not eligible for product”(Firefox), submitting and not moving to payment (Firefox), inability to upload photo (Edge)


When will the 2025 winter season commence?

5-6 April for all age groups.  A small number of games will be scheduled to be played on the night of Friday 4 April

Are games scheduled over the April/Easter school holidays?

12-13 April – all age groups will have fixtures.

19-20 April – only seniors will have fixtures.

26-27 April – all age groups will have fixtures.

What are the registration fees for 2025?

Please click here for junior and senior’s fees.

What age group am I for 2025?

Your age group is the age you are turning this year.  Please click here for further clarification.  No player can play in an age group more than two (2) age groups higher unless the competitions department has granted dispensation.

What are the important dates for the 2025 season?

Please click here for Northern Suburbs Football Association Calendar