COVID 19 Information
COVID Update: Football activies have now resumed under the latest guidelines provided by Football NSW and the Office of Sport. 20/10/2021
COVID Safety Plans
Covid safety_plan _ Bicentennial updated 10 Oct 2021
Covid safety_plan _ Blackman updated 10 Oct 2021
Covid safety_plan _ NBO updated 10 Oct 2021
Covid safety_plan _ Thomson updated 10 Oct 2021
NSW Health COVID-19 Advice
Any participant who has visited a NSW Health Covid-19 Case location listed on the NSW Health website or been in contact with a positive case of Covid-19 within a 2 week period are required by NSW Health to immediately self-isolate and get tested. Any participant with even the mildest of COVID-19 symptoms such as a runny nose or scratchy throat should immediately self-isolate and get tested. For football, the listing of a Covid-19 case location does not mean that games cannot take place in those areas, it means that if people have been to a listed Covid-19 case location within a 2-week period or have been in contact with a positive case of Covid-19 or have cold or flu like symptoms, they should self-isolate and get tested.
COVID Safe Protocols
To help ensure that the appropriate safeguards are in place when participating, all players, parents, officials and spectators (where applicable) are required to adhere to the following:
- Do not attend football if you are feeling unwell or have any cold or flu like symptoms, even a runny nose or scratchy throat. Self-isolate immediately and get tested.
- Wash and/or sanitize hands before and after attending all training and games
- Players arrive dressed and ready to train or play
- Limit the use of changerooms
- Players must comply with the 1.5m social distancing rule at all times (except during games)
- No shaking hands, high fives or hugging other players, match officials, team officials or spectators
- No player walkouts prior to matches
- No player huddles or post-match huddle celebrations
- Avoid carpooling as this is considered “close contact” and increases the risk of transmission
- If travelling by bus, coach or by public transport NSW Health advises to wear a face mask
- Do not share drink bottles
- Do not share containers of food, including oranges. Players should bring their own food and snacks.
- Do not bring anyone with you to training or games that has attended any NSW Covid-19 case location listed on the NSW Health website or been in contact with a positive case of Covid-19 within a 2 week period or who has cold or flu like symptoms. They should also immediately self-isolate and get tested.
- Avoid bringing anyone who may be at high or increased risk of illness
- Spectators must observe the 1.5m social distancing rule at all times unless from the same household
- Players and spectators must not socialise or assemble in groups before, during or after training or games
- Once training and games are finished, leave the venue as soon as possible
- Get tested for COVID-19 if you feel unwell or develop cold or flu like symptoms
- Regularly check the NSW Health Covid-19 Case locations and health advices.
- Check for updates on the Football NSW Covid-19 Information webpage
Change Rooms
We remind Clubs/Coaches/Players/Officials that if Changerooms are in use to please adhere to the 2 square meter rule (as at 26/2/2021) and comply with the 1.5 physical distancing rule at all times in accordance with the public health order, minimise time spent within the change rooms and ensure the change rooms are cleaned and disinfected regularly and especially in between matches.
Additionally, post-match celebrations within change rooms (and posting of videos or images to social media depicting this) is not permitted as it carries with it a higher risk of potential transmission in the event that a player, team official or match official has Covid-19.